News Archive

Special Issue #4 on Lubanga Judgement now available
13 December 2012

The December 2012 Special Issue of Legal Eye on the ICC is now available. This Special Issue is the fourth in a series on the first trial Judgement by Trial Chamber I in the case against Thomas...  Read more »

Detailed account of crimes allegedly committed by M23 | Compte-rendu détaillé des crimes qui auraient été commis par le M23
12 December 2012

Pour la version française, voir ci-dessous. On 4 December 2012, the Réseau National des ONGs des Droits de l'Homme de la République Démocratique du Congo (the National Network of Human Rights...  Read more »

Women's Initiatives seeks legal monitoring consultant (pt) and legal interns
12 December 2012

The Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice is seeking candidates for a part time legal monitoring consultant position, and for 2013 spring and summer legal internships based in our The Hague Office....  Read more »

FCO Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict blog features post by Women's Initiatives
12 December 2012

This year, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is marking the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence from 25 November until 10 December with a series of blog posts on preventing sexual...  Read more »

Colombian women's group receives death threats
07 December 2012

The Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice, together with our more than 6,000 grassroots members and partners, express our strong concern and joins calls urging immediate action for the protection of...  Read more »

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