News Archive

Women's Initiatives presentation to Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative G8 Expert Meeting
22 February 2013

From 11 to 13 February 2013, the Executive Director of the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice, Brigid Inder, was one of the external experts invited to present to 30 senior G8 policy advisors on...  Read more »

Statement on confirmation of charges hearing in Gbagbo case
19 February 2013

Read the statement by the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice on the confirmation of charges hearing in the case against Laurent Koudou Gbagbo (Gbagbo), the first former head of state to appear...  Read more »

Statement from civil society in the Central African Republic
11 January 2013

On 30 December 2012, civil society organisations operating in the CAR published a statement on the current security crisis in the country as a result of armed rebels attacking and capturing towns and...  Read more »

December 2012 issue of Women's Voices now available
20 December 2012

The December 2012 issue of Women's Voices is now available. In Women's Voices we provide updates and analysis on political developments, the pursuit of justice and accountability, the participation...  Read more »

First acquittal by the ICC
18 December 2012

Read the statement by the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice on the trial judgement issued today by Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC), in which it acquitted Mathieu...  Read more »

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