Pam Spees
Principal Writers
Vahida Nainar
Pam Spees
Research Assistance
Miho Tsujii
Brina Milikowsky
Eleanor Conda
Rhonda Copelon
1. Beijing Platform for Action
2. Statute of the International Criminal Court
3. Alda Facio, Rome Conference Report, 1998
4. Rhonda Copelon, Draft article ‘Negotiating History of Gender in the ICC’, 1999
5. Coalition of NGOs for an ICC (CICC) ratification reports and documents
6. Haslegrave M. and Havard J. in Health and Human Rights Vol.1 No.4, 1995
7. Elements Annex, Recommendations, Nov.-Dec.1999 Prepcom, International Women’s Human Rights Law Clinic, Legal Secretariat, Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice
8. Recommendations on the Rules and Procedures, Nov.-Dec.1999 Prepcom, International Women’s Human Rights Law Clinic, Legal Secretariat, Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice
Financial Support