Strengthening Advocacy in Women's Human Rights and International Justice

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Letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan 
Regarding Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone

7 September 2000

Mr. Kofi Annan
United Nations
New York, New York

Re: International Tribunal for Sierra Leone

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you concerning the imminent establishment of an ad hoc tribunal for Sierra Leone and the importance of ensuring a gender perspective within its mandate.

The Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, a network of individuals and organizations from all over the world, was formed in 1997 to ensure that gender would be fully integrated into the statute of the International Criminal Court.

As you are aware, the ICC is widely heralded for its unprecedented level of gender integration. This is evident in the crimes included within the Court's jurisdiction, gender-sensitive procedures for victim and witness participation and protection as well as statutory mandates for a fair representation of women and men. The commitment to gender integration was reaffirmed in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the Elements Annex, which were adopted by the Preparatory Commission for the ICC in June.

We respectfully urge that these aspects of the Rome Statute and its supplemental texts, which now represent a standard, serve as a model in the creation of the Sierra Leone court. As with any conflict situation, women and children experienced the Sierra Leone crisis in distinct ways. Their experiences, as the past has shown, will require an awareness of this fact and a determination to uncover and address the violations they suffered in a gender-sensitive manner.

While the failure of the peace process to end the violence and bloodshed in Sierra Leone is tragic, the international community, in partnership with the people of Sierra Leone, is rightly seeking to find ways of achieving justice for the people. This must be done keeping in mind those historically left out of the justice process.

We thank for your attention to this matter.


Vahida Nainar
Executive Director

cc: Mr. Ralph Zacklin