Strengthening Advocacy in Women's Human Rights and International Justice



(These Twelve Points were developed in exchanges among several women's human rights activists in New York, Asia and Latin America following the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. They are intended to suggest alternatives to military action and the cycle of violence, destruction and death. Please use these suggestions in whatever way you find helpful. To sign on to the statement, click here.)

The rapidly escalating cycle of violence and retaliation in Afghanistan and many other countries requires a response led by the United Nations and carried out in accordance with international law. A United Nations- led response offers the best hope for assuring justice for the victims of the September 11 attacks and the people of Afghanistan. The women of Afghanistan, long subjected to brutal repression by the Taliban regime, must now be assured a central role in determining the future of their country. The international community must provide the political and economic support necessary to secure a future in which women and all other sectors of Afghani society can fully exercise their human rights. We therefore urge all governments to support and implement the following:


1. The United States and its allies must immediately halt all military action in Afghanistan. The U.N. Security Council should explicitly reject any claim that the right of self- defense authorizes further military action by the United States and its allies in Afghanistan and should itself take the necessary measures to restore international peace and security as outlined below.

2. The United States and its allies should not carry out any military attacks in other states. The United Nations Security Council must explicitly reject any claim that the right of self-defense authorizes further military action with regard to other states and other organizations.

3. The international community must take urgent steps to:

a) ensure sufficient humanitarian assistance to civilians in Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in neighboring countries, including health care, shelter and food and involve Afghan women's organizations in the delivery of such assistance; and

b) protect Afghan civilians and refugees, especially women, from violations of their rights.

4. Military, political and economic support for the Taliban or the Northern Alliance from any State or other external source must be halted immediately in order not to prolong the conflict.

5. The U.N. must take the lead in peace-making, peace-keeping and peace- building in Afghanistan. Among the key elements that should be considered in developing a U.N.-led response are:

" brokering ceasefire and peace agreements
" promoting the broadest possible participation of civil society in peace negotiations, with specific measures for women's equal access and participation;
" ensuring disarmament and demobilization of all combatants;
" clearing landmines throughout the country;
" maintaining peace and security;
" preventing and responding to human rights violations;
" stopping arms and drug trafficking; and
" overseeing reconstruction.

The U.N. and the authorities of troop-contributing nations must ensure that any U.N. forces act in full conformity with international human rights and humanitarian law. In particular, the U.N. and national authorities must take effective measures to prevent and respond to violations against women by U.N. forces or other actors.


6. Peace-building processes should be undertaken at the earliest possible time, with the goals of restoring the rule of law, building sustainable democratic structures representative of all sectors of society, and promoting a just social and economic order in Afghanistan. Steps to achieve these goals include:

" provision of the necessary political and economic support by U.N. Member States and regional organizations;
" promotion of the broadest possible participation of civil society in reconstruction, with specific measures for women's equal access and participation;
" effective guarantees of the right of Afghan refugees to return under conditions of safety and security;
" measures to protect the human rights of internally displaced persons;
" rejection of any attempts by the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, or any other government or external sectarian groups to interfere in the processes of reconstruction; and
" the requirement that decision-making about the use of Afghanistan's natural resources be carried out only when sustainable democratic political and economic structures are in place and the participation of civil society in such decision-making is guaranteed.

7. During post-war reconstruction in Afghanistan, an ad-hoc tribunal or other processes compatible with international law must be established to ensure justice for the people of Afghanistan for violations suffered in the past.

8. Specific steps must be taken to secure the full participation of Afghan women and Afghan women's organizations in all stages of peace negotiation and post-war reconstruction, including any transitional government and all processes of justice.


9. The perpetrators of the crimes of September 11 should be brought to justice using international law and procedures, through their prosecution for crimes against humanity by an ad hoc international tribunal or by an individual State acting in accordance with international law, including fair trial guarantees.

10. Future efforts to prevent and punish terrorism must comply with international law, including all efforts by individual States and the international community as a whole. Among the basic principles that should guide those efforts are the following:

" Anti-terrorism campaigns must not be used as a means of restricting human rights;
" The prevention and punishment of terrorism should be carried out under international criminal law and, where applicable, the Statute of the International Criminal Court and international human rights guarantees;
" All States, and in particular the United States, must ratify the Statute of the International Criminal Court;
" All States should ratify international treaties against terrorism and cooperate fully in their implementation, including the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism; and
" All States must ratify and implement international human rights treaties, and fulfill their duty under human rights law to prevent and respond to human rights violations committed by private individuals, groups or organizations, or other non-state actors, including extremist groups under their jurisdiction that commit violations in their own territory or other States.

11. Strategies to prevent future terrorist acts should address the root causes of political and religious extremisms. Among those causes are economic policies that create the conditions of poverty and inequality in which terrorist and extremist groups can find support for their activities and domestic and foreign policies that authorize or condone human rights violations. As a part of anti-terrorism strategies:

" The policies of individual states and the international community should be aimed at alleviating the inequalities in and among States that have been linked to the dominance of free-market policies and trade regimes that favor highly developed countries;
" All States should adopt economic policies that promote the realization of all human rights and the just and equal distribution of economic benefits and at the national level and among all States;
" All regional and international organizations for economic cooperation, trade or finance, and their individual member States, should adopt policies that aim at the just and equal distribution of economic benefits among all States and among all groups within national societies; and
" All States should adopt national policies that aim at the full realization of human rights for all sectors of society, including access to health care, housing, education, food, water, and sanitation, without discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, class, religion, social or national origin, political or other opinion, language, disability, citizenship, sexual orientation, age, occupation, or other status.

12. In many societies around the world, the politicized use of religion by extremists takes the form of restrictions on women's right to participation in public life, denials of their economic and social rights, and violence and repression in private life. These violations and the extremist beliefs that are advanced to justify them must be addressed by individual States and the international community as threats to the human rights of all persons and to sustainable open societies.


I. Individuals with organizational affiliations:

Sunila Abeysekera, INFORM, Sri Lanka

Mahnaz Afkhami (Iran), President Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (International)

Fayazuddin Ahmad, Asian Network for the International Criminal Court (ANICC)

Mariah Blackhorse, President, Ambisoft Inc., Oregon, USA

Odile Boisclair, Centre des Femmes de Laval, Québec, Canada

Vinie Burrows, Permanent Representative to the UN for the Womens International Democratic Federation (WIDF)

Charlotte Bunch, Executive Director, Center for Women's Global Leadership, USA

Norma Elvira Carias Montiel, Coordinadora Proyecto SPAH, Honduras

Lin Chew, Human Rights School, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

Maria Chin Abdullah, Executive Director, Women's Development Collective, Malaysia

Rhonda Copelon, Professor, CUNY Law School, Director, International Women's Human Rights Law Clinic

Rev. Douglas B. Hunt, United Church of Christ Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility, Wheaton, MD, USA

Alda Facio, Directora, Fundación Género y Justicia, Costa Rica

Gloria Frankel, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Ireland

Sarah Germain Lilly, Member of the Park Slope United Methodist Church, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Vahida Nainar, Adjunct Professor, International Women's Human Rights Law Clinic, CUNY Law School, USA

Jessica Neuwirth, President, Equality Now, USA

Katherine O'Donnell, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Sociology Faculty Women's Studies and Latin American Studies, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY, USA

Ana Elena Obando, CIMA, Interamerican Concertation of Women's Human Rights Activists, Costa Rica

Lynn P. Freedman, Law and Policy Project, Columbia University School of Public Health, USA

Alice M. Miller, Law and Policy Project, Columbia University School of
Public Health, USA

Rosalind Petchesky, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Hunter College-CUNY, USA

Jacqueline Pitanguy, Cepia: Citizenship Studies, Information Action, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Mary Jane Real, Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development,Thailand

Ann Russo, Associate Professor, Women's Studies, DePaul University, USA

Vivian Stromberg, Executive Director, MADRE, International Organization

Donna Sullivan, International Human Rights Clinic N.Y.U. School of Law

Teresa Valdés, FLACSO, Grupo Iniciativa Mujeres, Chile

Licda. Verónica Zapata Suárez, Miembra de la Comisión de Solidaridad y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, A.C. (COSYDDHAC), Chihuahua, México

Sawako Miwa, Daughters of the Heart of Mary, Tokyo, Japan

Ellen Ross Professor of History and Women's Studies Ramapo College Mahwah, USA

Pat Chefurka, Co-chair Londoners for Afghanistan's Women, UK

Marion Kim, Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding, Seoul, Korea

Marion Hancock, Co-ordinator, Peace Foundation, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Lynette Shultz, Learning Network, Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, Alberta, Canada

Dra. Iris Sobeida Padilla Durón, Centro de Derechos de Mujeres, Honduras

Kyo Kageura Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan

Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D, Prof. Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Meena Alexander, Distinguished Professor of English, Hunter College and the Graduate Centre, City University of New York, USA

Patricia Perpère, CPS (Secrétariat de la Communauté du Pacifique),

Jabez Lam, Chair, Chinese Civil Rights Action Group
London, UK

Zillah Eisenstein, Professor of Politics, Ithica College, NY, USA

Aiko Ogoshi, Association for Research on the Impacts of War
And Military Bases on the Women's Human Rights, Japan

Isaías Nobel, Director, Club Humanista Interartes Latinoamericano (CHILAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dolores H. de Vargas y Mireya Solano , El Centro Integral de la Mujer y la Casa Tutelada Renacer, Bolivia

Dr. Lynette J. Dumble International, Co-ordinator Global Sisterhood Network, Australia

Kiyoko Matsuno, Kyoto Seika University, Japan

Esther Chavez Cano, Grupo Ocho de Marzo de Ciudad Juarez A.C., Mexico

Kate Brookfield, Voice of Women for Peace, Guelph: Afghan Support, Canada

Brenda Belak, Images Asia, Thailand

Nicole Nepton , Cybersolidaires, Québec, Canada

Fernando Fernández-Llebrez, Profesor Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Roxana Arroyo Vargas, Agenda Politica de Mujeres, Costa Rica

Susana Ines Stilman, Presidenta de Mujeres Trabajando
Coordinacion Nacional Marcha Mundial de Mujeres, Argentina.

Adriana Gómez Muñoz, Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del
Caribe(RSMLAC), Chile

Alicia Ferreira, Adeuem, Asociación de Especialistas Universitarias en Estudios de la Mujer,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ikeda Eriko, VAWW-NET, Japan

Olga Isabel Villalta Pereira, Asociación Género y Desarrollo, Guatemala.
Lepa Mladjaenovic, Autonomous Women's Center against Sexual Violence, Belgrade

Ana Hidalgo Solis, Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, Costa Rica

Toh Swee-Hin, Depaartment of Educational Policy, University of Alberta, Canada

Ana Cristina Ramírez Barreto, Mujeres Michoacanas Unidas Hacia el Siglo XXI, México

Ajmal Pashtoonyar, AYO Executive Afghan Youth Organization and the Coalition for Justice in Afghanistan, Canada

A. C. Patlatonalli, Organización Ciudadana
B. Lésbica, México

Isabel Ortiz Perez, Directora, Fundacion Mujer y Futuro, Colombia

Hilkka Pietilä, Honorary President of World Federation of the United Nations Associations and the Finnish UN Association

Kathy Sevilla Zelaya, Centro Editorial de la Mujer, Nicaragua

Kiyoko Shimizu, Association for Research on the Impacts of War and Military Bases on Women's Human Rights, Japan

Jose Carlos Solano Mena, Movimiento Humanista, Costa Rica

Kazuko Inoue, Hokkaido University, Japan

Patria Jimenez Flores and Gloria Careaga Perez, El Closet de Sor Juana, Secretariado de Mujeres de la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas y Gays, ILGA-WS, Mexico

Natalie Mannering, Arkansas Midwives School and Services, USA

Melinda Masi and Sara St. Martin Lynne, Co-Founders, C.A.R.E.S. Community Acting to Respect and Empower Survivors, USA

Norma Ruth Montiel, CEPROSAF, Centro de Promoción de la Salud y Asistencia Familiar, Honduras

Norma Elvira Carias Montiel, Coordinadora Proyecto SPAH, Honduras

Yayori Matsui, Violence against Women in War Network (VAWW-NET), Japan

Liliana Pauluzzi, Casa de la Mujer, Rosario, Argentina

Laura Asturias, Asociación Feminista "La Cuerda," Guatemala

Kozue Akibayashi (Japan), Teachers College, Columbia University, USA

Marie Bayle, Union des Femmes Citoyennes de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Canada

Rosalyn Baxandall, State University of New York, USA

Almerinda Bento, UMAR - Unão De Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta, Portugal

Odile Boisclair, Centre des Femmes de Laval, Québec, Canada

Isable Gamboa Barboza, Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigación, Acción y Desarrollo (ALIADAS), San José, Costa Rica

Patricia Giles, International Alliance of Women, Australia

Patricia Guerrero, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Colombia

Indai Sajor
Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, Global

Nich Kok, Caridad y Educación Integral, A. C. Proyecto Melel Xojobal, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México

Patricia Figueroa Fuentes, Coordinadora General de Melel Xojobal, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México

Elizabeth Caicedo del Corral, Fundación Gestar, Cali, Colombia

Lisa Yoneyama, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies & Japanese Studies Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego, USA

Licda. Martha Figueroa Mier,Grupo De Mujeres De San Cristobal Las Casas, A.C., Mexico

Thekla Lit, President of B.C. Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WW II in Asia (ALPHA) & Co-chair of Canada ALPHA

Luis Cárdenas Vásquez, Corporación Servicio, Paz y Justicia, SERPAJ, Santiago, Chile

Prof. María Elena Naddeo, Presidenta del Consejo de los Derechos de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rev. Margarita Sánchez De León, Movimiento Ecuménico Nacional de Puerto Rico

Lucy Garrido, Cotidiano Mujer, Uruguay

Lilián Celiberti, Cotidiano Mujer, Uruguay
Andrés Thomas Conteris, Presidente, Red de Desarrollo Sostenible, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Lorena Fries, Directora Ejecutiva, Corporación La Morada, Chile

Victoria Villanueva Ch., Movimiento Manuela Ramos, Lima, Perú

Marita Alegria L., Movimiento Manuela Ramos, Lima, Perú

Isabel Duque, Coordinadora Ejecutiva, Red contra la Violencia, Santiago, Chile

Martha Leslie Allen, PhD, Director, Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, Washington, DC, USA

Claudette Lambert, Fédération des femmes du Québec, Canada

Alicia Ester Gugliarmelli, Antigona (Centro de Estudio y Asistencia a la Mujer)

Ana Maria D'Urbano, Marche mondiale des femmes, Québec, Canada

Cesare Cattini, Director Arca de Noè, Centro acogida Muchachos de la Calle, Pasto, Colombia

Rosa Maria Xisto, Movimento Democratico de Mulheres, Portugal

Joanne Blais, coordonnatrice, Fonds communautaire des Chenaux, Québec, Canada

Zobeida Moya Lacayo - Directora Ejecutiva Fundación Mujer, Costa Rica

Behjat Dehghan, President, Association of Iranian Women - USA (AIWUSA)

Sushobha Barve, Executive Secretary, The Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation

Nancy Burrows, World March of Women, Québec, Canada

Lise Fournier, Mouvement Action Chômage de Longueuil, Québec, Canada

II. Organizations:

All Africa Women for Peace, South Africa

Asian Center for Women's Human Rights, Philippines

B.a.B.e. (Be active, Be emancipated) - Women's Human Rights Group, Croatia

Centro de la Mujer Peruana "flora tristán", Lima, Perú

Elige, Red de Jovenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, AC - Mexico

Humanistisch Overleg Mensenrechten, The Netherlands

International Abolitionist Federation, Copenhagen, Denmark

Violence Against Women in War Network (VAWW-NET), Japan

The Women and Media Collective, Sri Lanka

Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, Global

Women's Human Rights Net (WHRnet), Global

Women's Human Rights Project, Ireland

Women's Rights Action Network, Australia

Asociación Feminista La Cuerda, Guatemala

African Women's Anti-War Coalition

Asociación Para el Desarrollo de la Democracia y la Equidad de Género (ADEGE), Colombia

Dialogo Mujer, Colombia

Fundación Abriendo Caminos a la Diferencia, Colombia

Grandmothers for Peace, Finland

Grandmothers against nuclear power, Finland

Grupo de Varones por una Nueva Masculinidad, Colombia

Madres Maestras de Panamá

Movimiento Nacional de Mujeres Autoras Actoras de Paz (61 organizaciones), Colombia

Mujeres Siglo XXI, Colombia

Women Against Nuclear Power, Finland

Women for Peace, Finland

NAW (Network of Asian Women) in Singapore

Equipo Nizkor

Fundación Redes, La Pampa, Argentina

Unión Afirmativa De Venezuela (Affirmative Union Of Venezuela)

Women´s Action Group Scheherazade, Berlin, Germany

Organización de Mujeres Colectivo Xochitl, Managua, Nicaragua
Bluestockings Women's Bookstore, New York

Movimiento Manuela Ramos, Lima, Perú
Forum for Women in Democracy, Kampala, Uganda

Naripokkho, Bangladesh

Red Feminista Latinoamericana y del Caribe contra la Violencia Domestica y Sexual
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, Washington, DC, USA

The Society for the Advancement of Gender Equality, Cambridge, UK

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Asian Women's Resource Center for Culture & Theology, Malaysia

Medica Mondiale E.V. Cologne, Germany

Women for Women in Afghanistan, Victoria, British Columbia Chapter


Taller Salud, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Metis National Council of Women, Inc., Canada

Secretariado Nacional do MDM - Movimento Democrático de Mulheres de Portugal

Casa de la Mujer Juana Ramírez "La Avanzadora" Maracay, Venezuela

University of Alberta Coalition against War and Racism

Casa de la Dona de Valencia, España

Mujeres de negro de Valencia, España

Comissió de la Marxa Mundial de Dones 2000, Casa de la Dona de Valencia, España

Casa de la Mujer, Valparaíso, Chile

Taller Leñateros, Mexico

Centre de Pastorale en Milieu Ouvrier, Québec, Canada

SI MUJER, Servicios integrales para la Mujer, Nicaragua

World March of Women

Catholics for a Free Choice

International Peace Bureau

Marin Interfaith Task Force on Central America, USA

Mujeres por la Paz de Puerto Rico

Comité Oscar Romero, Cartagena, España

III. Individual Endorsements:

Elena Arengo, New York, USA

Isabelle Arvers, Paris, France

Maria Bardaji Cruz, Spain

Brenda Campbell, Norhtern Ireland

Frescia Carrasco, Perú

Margaret A. Clay, Idaho, USA

Esteelle Cohenny-Vallier, Thailand

Sandie Cornish, Australia

Lee Detwiler, Pennsylvania, USA

Juliana Ellington, USA

Phyllis Ewen, USA

Edna Frances Sprague, New Mexico, USA

Françoise Girard, New York, USA

Fred Lavy, Virginia, USA

Mary T. Legge, New Jersey, USA

Katharine Lewis (PhD), Oregon, USA

Cathrine Magelssen, USA

Yayori Matsui, Japan

Shaari Neretin, (MSW, LICSW), Boston, MA, USA

Deborah A. Richards, USA

Cynthia Rothchild, New York City, USA

Donna Szeker, USA

Amy Vozel, New Jersey, USA

Bernadette L. Wagner, Canada

Leslie Bandle, USA

Louise Brissette, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Angeles Cabria, Los Angeles, USA

Ana Cofiño, Guatemala

Dana Kopald, California, USA

Paula Del Cid, Guatemala

Rosalinda Hernández, Guatemala

Paulette Lachance, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Makiko Matsumoto, Japan

Adwoa Wiafe, Ghana

Rees Maxwell, Eugene, Oregon, USA

Diane Monette, Québec, Canada

Sophie Paquin, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AnnJanette Rosga, Colorado, USA

María Eugenia Solís García, Guatemala

Pam Spees, New York, USA

Nevenka Sudar, Croatia

Kim Tyler, California, USA

Dona Van Bloemen, California, USA

Ada María Vásquez, Chile

Anne Grube, B.C., Canada

Marlene Dick, Ed.D., Newark, DE, USA

Esther Andradi, Argentina

Dineh Davis, Honolulu, HW, USA

Yuhki Tajima, Boston, MA, USA

Susane Reichinger, Germany

Yveline Chevillard, Canada

Deborah Dupre' Wheeler, Republic of Vanuatu, SW Pacific

Suzanne Richard , Montréal, Québec, Canada

Peg Linnehan, USA

Roger Lodsman, Australia

Lisa M. Clarke, New Jersey, USA

Misao Toba, Japan

Marcia Clinger, Oregon, USA

Socorro Chablè, Mèxico

Livia Aninosanu, Romania

Siegward-M. Elsas, M.D., CA, USA

Susanne Martain, Eora Country Australia

Dr. Shyrl Topp Matias, Hawaii, USA

Machiko Kaida, Japan

Sherlye Carlson, USA

Sachiko Taba, Japan

Matsuko Kimura, Japan

Ana Maria Boudet , Santiago Chile

Miyuki Okada, Japan

Ligia Delgadillo Solano, Costa Rica.

Lucía Rayas, Mexico

Jaime Vieyra, Mexico

Patricia Laura Gómez, Spain

María-Trinidad Herrero, Spain

Rocio Silva Santisteban, MA, USA

Simon Helweg-Larsen, Canada

Josephine Chu, UK

Lesley Bourns, MA, USA

Marian Ono, Japan

Soledad Fariña, Chile

Michiko Itoh, Japan

Maria de Fátima Barata, Amora, Portugal

Yuuki Sawano, Japan

Florencia Pellitero, España

Aïda Allouache, Belguim

Inanna Asblm, France

Bettina Priotti, Argentina.

Saadia Aleem, Washington DC, USA

Rashida Ishmaili,

Seiichi Yamamoto, Japan

Shigeo Hagiwara, Japan

Yasuko Yamaguthi, Japan

Ai Kuroki, Japan

Haruko Ishikawa, Japan

Keiko Takahashi, Japan

Alexandra Solórzano, Nicaragua

Kuniyo Kawabata, Japan

Prof. Lynn Trainor, Toronto, Canada

Anne Trainor, Toronto, Canada

Marguerite Fidler, Toronto, Canada.

Fred Sokolow, CA, USA

Robert Mizzi, Canada

Kristin Kim, New York, USA

Akie Kutsuzawa, Japan

Yoriko Akashi, Japan

Yoko Moriguchi, Japan

Hellen Lee, CA, USA

Adelita San Vicente Tello, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Cindy Chan Toronto, Canada

Rashidah Ismaili, USA

Mayumi Oishi, NY, USA

Wakaba Suzuki, Germany

Takayuki Suzuki, Germany

Kaori Araki, Germany

Tamae Araki, Germany

Doris Mpoumou, Congo Brazzaville

Malia Robinson, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Saidur Rahman, Bangladesh

Hidehiko Hanashima, Australia

Yasuko Nakagawa, Australia

Minoru Ohashi,Japan

Rut Sonnabend, España

Toshiko Yoshiike, Japan

Hiroko Arai, Japan

Yoko Futaki, Japan

Misako Hirata,Japan

Suzuki Kaori, Japan

Kaoru Aoyama (Japan), UK

Berta Bessone Alves, Lisboa, Portugal

Misaki Ohara, Japan

Janice Eisenhauer, Canada

Dr. Holmfriour Garoarsdottir, Iceland

Sonia Vaccaro, Argentina

Esperanza Cerón Villaquirán, Colombia

Yul Francisco Dorado, Colombia

Gloria Acosta, Colombia

Marilyn Clement, USA

Dr. Robert Zuber, USA

Brigitte Hauschild, Nicaragua

Ana Hidalgo Solis, Costa Rica

Raquel Swi, Argentina.

Carlos Oscar Lerner, Argentina.

Maria Soledad Mendez, USA

Soledad Aranguiz, USA

Catherine Bayle, France

Sayoko Uesugi, Japan

Lucia Lagunes Huerta, México

Akiko Tsutsui, Japan

Roland Membreño Segura, Nicaragua

Teruko Inoue, Japan

Junko Kim, USA

Dr. Marcos Arana C., Costa Rica

Fernando Fernández, Spain

Christina R. Rivers, USA

Eleza Kort, USA

Jane Buellesbach,Guatemala

Anna Mae Kraus, Guatemala

Rae Ann O'Neill , Guatemala

Silvia Pacheco, Guatemala

Patricia Redmond, Guatemala

Britt Wahlin, USA

Claudia Acevedo, Guatemala

Soledad Díaz Pastén, San José, Costa Rica

Lea Launokari, Kirkkonummi, Finland

Petri Saunio, Finland

Tanja Siljander, Finland

Madeline Lunney, Canada

Heidi Hursh USA

Laura Campagna, New York

Michiru Shimizu, Japan

Teresa Viviano Llave, Peru

Alberto Sumay, Argentina

Viviana Erazo, Chile

Aicha Hkim, Canada

Néstor Tato, Argentinam

Midori Chino, Japan

Yoshiko Shimoda, Japan

María Auxiliadora Meza, Nicaragua

Jenny Moss, Canada

Akiyama Yoko, Japan

Ermes Donati, Spain

Ana Silvia Mazía, Argentina

Emiko Kaya, Japan

Christine Delphy, France

Dahlia Eissa, USA

Dawn Christiansen Cuellar, USA

Norma Field, USA

Teresita Cordero Cordero, Costa Rica.

Samantha Toney, USA

Aura Marina Arriola, Guatemala

Julie Cramer, USA

Connie Hogarth, USA

José Fernández Hevia, Spain

Ana Estébanez Ortega, Spain

Maria Benejam i Berger, France

Teo Vidal i Sol, France

Hideko Nakamuira, Australia

Mary Phillips, France

Yoshiko Kakuda, Japan

Danielle Dwyer, Canada

Julio Ceren, Canada

Miranda Brewer, USA

Marcela Solorzano, USA

Gene Wheeler, Vanuatu, SW Pacific

Vanessa Farr, South Africa

Lina Zedriga, Uganda

Nakahara, Michiko, Japan

María del Carmen Suárez, Argentina

Pam Rajput, India

Veronica Campanile, Nicaragua

Arlene Inouye, USA

Brigitte Hauschild, Nicaragua

Magdalene Reuter, Guatemala

Patrick Antoine Decloitre, Suva, Fiji islands

Zoric Dajana, Nouvelle Caledonie, Canada

Albis Cruz, Costa Rica

Lise Brodeur, Canada

Nora Corredor, Colombia

Maila Stivens, Australia

Carlos Bau Aedo, Chile

Michiko Itou, Japan

Mirta Toledo, Uruguay

Maekawa Toru, Japan

Kambayashi Kazutaka, Osaka, Japan

Atsuko Matsuura, Japan Ted Motohashi, Tokyo, Japan

Christine Höbermann, Hannover, Germany

Hilla Katki, USA

Daichi Shibata, Japan

Maria José Pedraja Linares, Murcia, Espana

Mitsuko Watanabe, Japan

Marta Lasterra Aznárez, España

Chie Sugiura, Japan

Nora Margarita Alvarellos, Neuquen, Argentina

Yo-ko Hanakawa, Japan

Leanne Grossman, San Francisco, California, USA

Elsa Cairola, La Pampa, Argentina
Carmen Ortiz Echagüe, La Pampa, Argentina

Noelí Ethel Andrade, La Pampa, Argentina

Mónica Marsal, La Pampa, Argentina

Ana Lila Garda Salas, Murcia, España

Yoneko Ishida, Japan

Fumiko Izumi, Japan

Keiko Ichiba, Japan

Kiyomi Kato, Japan

Takako Maeda, Japan

Eriko Fujita, Japan

Etsuko Yokota, Japan

Aleyamma Geevarghese, India

Megan Sullivan, USA

Satuya Nanba, Japan

Cecilia Moltedo Castaño, Santiago, Chile

Jesús Ravelo, Venezuela

José Ramón Merentes, Venezuela

Julia Parshall, USA

John Migliavacca, Venezuela

Richard Martínez, Venezuela

Erasmo Moreno, Venezuela

Jeannette Morales, Venezuela

Iliana Rodríguez, Venezuela

Vivian Díaz, Venezuela

Yamashita Akiko, Japan

Tara Ward, Toronto, Canada

Ute Scheub, Berlin, Germany

Mayra Muralles, Guatemala

María Amalia Vassaux, Guatemala

Massiel Paola Calderon de Leon, Espana

Juritzia Cruz, Jinotepe, Nicaragua

Judith Elvira Cruz, Jinotepe, Nicaragua

Judith Cortez Dimas, Jinotepe, Nicaragua

Tatiana Greco Xavier, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Andrea Calvaruso, Guatemala

Gustavo Oreste Gallo, Argentina

Silvia Liliana Negri, Argentina

Rosa Russo, Argentina

Claire Moran, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Rosangela Oliveira, USA

Mercedes Roman, Ossining, NY, USA

Jake Mattox, USA

Judith Coode, USA

Philip Neri Lyons, Annapolis, MD, USA

Marcela Aguilar, Guatemala

Masayo Niwa, Japan

Benta-Giselda Fernández, Switzerland

Eliane Blanc, Switzerland

Susan Gartner, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Werner Ramírez Avila, Guatemala

Chris Heryet, Netherlands

Miguel Ángel Albizures, Guatemala

Ruth del Valle, Guatemala

Jessica Shturman, Mexico

Fernando Calderon, México

Susana Cruzalta, México

Kelly King Schlegel, USA

Ruth Alvarez Guzmán, Santiago, Chile

Betty Walker Casanova, Santiago, Chile

Cristina Sola Martínez, España

Michelle Labonté, Canada

Brynn Craffey, USA

Teresa Fiore, Italy
Nieghël Williams Quevedo, Guatemala/USA

Eliana Vidal C., Valparaíso, Chile

Camila Maturana K., Valparaíso, Chile

Laura Esperanza Rangel Fonseca, Bogota, Colombia

Nelda AjoMurray, Espana

Liberty Smith, CA, USA

Anne Llewellyn Barstow, USA

Susana T. Fried, New York, USA

Andrea Hirshman, Esq., Brooklyn, NY, USA

Azzo Ghidinelli, Italia

Rosa Maria Messen Fajardo, Italia

Edelberto Torres-Rivas, Guatemala

Charlotte Thibault, Montréal, Canada

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mireya Zuleta Reyes, Valparaíso, Chile

Marisol Matus M., Valparaíso, Chile

Mirta Graciela SUAREZ de IANNI,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Renate Francia W., Valparaíso, Chile

Paula Santana, Valparaíso, Chile

Reena Geevarghese, USA

Norberto Daniel Ianni, Buenos Aires,