News Archive

Darfuri women's rights activist receives Award
19 March 2012

The Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice congratulates Ms Hawa Abdallah Mohammed Salih as one of the ten recipients of the 2012 International Women of Courage Awards. Hawa is well known to the...  Read more »

First ICC conviction
14 March 2012

Today, Trial Chamber I issued the first ever trial judgement of the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the case against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Lubanga). This is the first time a Trial Chamber of...  Read more »

International Women's Day
08 March 2012

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day (IWD), we take stock of the progress and challenges towards the legal recognition of women's rights around the world and to the participation of women...  Read more »

Webcast of panel 'Gender justice and the ICC: progress and reflections'
20 February 2012

Watch the webcast of the panel on gender justice during the Justice for All? The International Criminal Court – Ten Year Review conference organised by the University of New South Wales and the...  Read more »

Women's Initiatives facilitates capacity-building workshop
16 February 2012

Following the Justice for All? Conference, the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice will facilitate a capacity-building workshop on domestication of the Rome Statute to advance gender justice for...  Read more »

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