News Archive

A Call for Assistance from Women in IDP Camps in Darfur
30 March 2011

In a message directed at the international humanitarian bodies and sent to the Women’s Initiatives for distribution, women in IDP camps in North Darfur call on the United Nations and the...  Read more »

March issue of Legal Eye on the ICC now available
08 March 2011

Read our latest e-letter containing summaries and gender analysis of judicial decisions and other developments at the International Criminal Court (ICC)...  Read more »

Statement by the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice on the Referral of the Libya Situation to the ICC
01 March 2011

On 26 February 2011, following the violent repression of the demonstrations which started on 15 February in Libya to protest against Colonel  Muammar Qadhafi, the 15 members of the United...  Read more »

January issue of Women's Voices now available
27 January 2011

Read our latest e-letter containing updates and analysis on political developments, the pursuit of justice, and the status of peace talks from the perspective of women's rights activists....  Read more »

Women in Darfur Deliver a Petition to United Nations Security Council Delegation
25 January 2011

On 10 and 11 October 2010, a UN Security Council delegation visited North Darfur, led by British Ambassador to the UN Mark Lyall Grant, and including US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice and Ugandan...  Read more »

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