News Archive

Advancing Gender Justice -- A Call to Action
09 June 2010

At a press conference held on 31 May 2010 during the Review Conference of the Rome Statute, the Wome...  Read more »

Women's Initiatives' Executive Director Addresses State Parties at the Opening of the ICC Review Conference
07 June 2010

On Tuesday, 1 June 2010, Women's Initiatives' Executive Director Brigid Inder delivered an address to the Assembly of States Parties during the General Debate of the Review Conference of the Rome...  Read more »

Women's Initiatives sends large delegation to the Review Conference of the Rome Statute
28 May 2010

From 31 May - 11 June, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice will participate in the Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, in Kampala, Uganda.  ...  Read more »

May issue of Legal Eye on the ICC now available
26 May 2010

Read our latest e-letter containing summaries and gender analysis of judicial decisions and other legal developments at the International Criminal Court (ICC)...  Read more »

In honour of Rhonda Copelon
10 May 2010

On 6 May 2010, Rhonda Copelon, American feminist lawyer, advocate, scholar and friend died of ovarian cancer. Rhonda was on the International Advisory Council of the Women’s Initiatives for Gender...  Read more »

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