News Archive

Six New Judges Elected to the ICC
23 February 2009

On 19-20 January 2009, the Assembly of States Parties met in New York to elect six Judges to the bench of the International Criminal Court. In the fall of 2008 and January 2009, the Women's...  Read more »

Advocacy Paper for the 2008 Assembly of States Parties
10 November 2008

On 7 November 2008, the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice released an advocacy paper covering key issues and recommendations for States Parties and the International Criminal Court to further...  Read more »

Justice for Women Forum, Forum Justice pour les Femmes
03 October 2008

On 6-8 October 2008, the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice is hosting the Justice for Women Forum, an historic three-day meeting of 155 women's rights and peace activists from Uganda, the...  Read more »

Central African Republic - Arrest of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo
16 June 2008

The Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice issues a statement welcoming the arrest of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo by Belgian authorities on 24 May 2008, in response to a warrant of arrest issued by the...  Read more »

Campaign to end discriminatory laws against women in Iran
26 March 2008

Iranian womens rights activists continue their world-wide campaign demanding an end to discriminatory laws against women in the Iranian law. Read the letter from the organizers and the Petition...  Read more »

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